Tuesday, March 29, 2011


My painting is for Sharon Hodges' Moleskin. Her theme is "Express Yourself" which I do each time I paint. I have to admit I am having a difficult time painting on the paper. The paint seems to dry almost immediately. Plus, my palette fell on Sharon's open book and now there are splotches of color on the page next to my painting. I'm sorry, Sharon. I am a klutz! I hope I get better at this! :)


  1. Linda, this has your signature casual but perfect composition!
    If the surface is too dry, you can take a large paint brush and spread a thin layer of medium over the surface before you start painting. It will take your paint better then.

  2. Love the subject and composition. I'm glad I'm not the only messy one!! Thanks for the tip, Jean. I thought the paper just suckedddd up the paint!

  3. This is a scene we are all familiar with, Linda, well done!

  4. Linda, of all the moleskines to get bloches/spots of paint on, Sharon's is the one to do it. She is a very messy painter, and proud of it. She usually has paint not just on her canvas, but the all over the floor, ceiling, her shoes, clothing, hair, under the fingernails, and more.....So don't feel bad about a little mess. I like the subject matter and composition. Good Moleskine!!

  5. Linda, you can always paint on canvas paper and then attach it inside the journal...that's what I'm doing for my very last Flying Moleskine. I just unpacked my plein air bag and took inventory of my squashed, used up paint tubes; they are plentiful and look just like yours here. As Ann said, very much a subject we can all relate to, great job for Sharon!

  6. Linda, Yahoo for your paint splotches on my moleskin! I do so love a personalized book, and as Kay said, almost nothing that I own is paint-free, so I quit worrying about it a LOOOOOOONG time ago. No worries, dear one! Love your painting!
