I know, I know ........... he is adorable! This is Chibi ,my little Rescued French Bulldog. He is my "baby boy." The teachers at Lakewood Elementary always say that they want to be reincarnated as my dog because I spoil him so much. He definitely has "issues," and one of them is that he hates being petted by strangers - as Ann Rogers found out! Thank heaven she has quick reflexes and was able to jerk her hand away or she might ................. oh well, lets not even go there. One of the reasons I got him was because I had no children and they failed to tell me that he wasn't house trained (at a year)!! Six years later he has made little progress except he always hits the pads now.
We are an odd couple! I tell everyone that if I ever found a man that looked at me the way he does, I'd marry him!
I adore him and since I know how much Angela loves dogs, I painted my little guy for her.