Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Backside Beachside by Sharon Hodges

I am honored to paint in Carol Morgan's moleskin this month, and her theme is 'sides', so I hope she will like this 'backside, beachside'.  As the sun warms up, I only wish I was at the beach sunning my backside.  Woo-hoo!


  1. Now this is a whole new concept of "sides". What a hoot! Great idea, Sharon. Know Carol will love it.

  2. I wish I was there, too, but soon enough we'll be complaining about the heat. I love your sense of humor and your painting is wonderful, everything works perfectly within this square composition.

  3. Fantastic! Love your "sides!!" Great idea!

  4. I LOVE it, Sharon!!! You even captured MY backside!! You are a riot! Thanks for making us ALL laugh.!
