Saturday, August 6, 2011

"Holy Cow" by Ann Rogers

oil on moleskin

Here's another member of Kay Wyne's herd for her "holy cow" themed moleskin! 


  1. When her book is completed, she will have quite a sampling of cows all doing their thing. You've captured one of my favorite cow poses..."sitting and chewing"...well done, Ann.

  2. Wow Ann, you are fast!! I love that pose!! Cows seem to do a lot of that!

  3. OMG......I can't wait to see all of the paintings in Holy Cow! How exciting. Thanks, Angela......I think I am a moleskine short....wondering if I am finished, or need to see where the next one is. Thanks so much, and happy back to school for you.

  4. Ummm, Kay, this painting was painted by Ann, but I'll take the happy back to school wishes!! :-)

  5. Oh Geez...I am all confused on these posts, moleskines and messages flying around. Please, somebody needs to set me straight! KMW
